It's been a while, hasn't it? Although I have not been posting on my blog for almost 2 months, my characters have been making special appearances on almost all of my homework assignments in one way or another. Now that school has started, I don't have the leisure time to draw whenever I want. I actually have to learn and work on college application stuff. I have developed a plan as of September 18th for AOK in the next few months and this plan will hopefully stick for a while until Senior Projects and college stuff get in the way:
The Plan That is The Law
1. AOK is going to post one comic/piece a week. This will be a computer processed work or a well done pen drawing depending on the time crunch of the week.
2. Every time I draw a character or event on a homework assignment, I will take a picture and post it. If any of you have my classes, you might be getting some answers to assignments.
3. Questions are still available for the asking. I'm down with drawing responses.
4. There will be a text and photo update every Friday about life, school, youth group etc. This might take a while to get up and running, but it shall happen!
Well, that's all for now. I must go piece together a resume for my Personal Finance class, and sleep. Oh sweet blissful sleep.