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I thought I would share how I created this piece with you all, because I think it's interesting and its never happened before. I usually have a hard time finding inspiration for my art. It's kind of weird, right? Once I get it, creating a piece is easy and breezy.
I usually don't remember my dreams, but this one in particular was extremely vivid and I remember what happened to a tee. I met the boy you see in here in my dream, and he was very much real to me. He didn't have a name, and I didn't see his face, but he was there. He found me and came when I was screaming for help. He was special. I didn't care what happened in the dream, because I knew he was there, and that I would be okay. I loved him. Yeah, that sounds weird. I can't really explain it, but I felt as though I had met the one that was just for me. I had met my match. Then I woke up.
I remember waking up after the dream. I sat in my bed reflecting upon what had happened. Who was this boy that I had met? Did he exist in the real world? Would I find him soon? Would I find him in 2 years? 3? 4? Or never... I was heartbroken because I felt as though I would never see him again. I also was overwhelmed with a feeling of hope. I knew that if I just waited and didn't give up, he'd come running and find me again.
Instead of allowing this nameless boy to become lost in my fading memory, I decided to draw. This piece specifically is how I felt when I was waking up from the dream. He was fading away, and I was crying because I didn't want him to leave me. He promised to find me again, and that I shouldn't worry.
This piece was created using Paint Tool SAI and Photoshop. Total time was probably around 4-5 hours from sketching to putting the signature on it.