Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Video Announcement;

Dear Readers of AOK,

Today, July 18th 2012, Adventures of Kyra reached the summer goal of 1000 views in less than one month of summer. Originally, I had planned 1000 views for the whole summer, but this goal was smashed through! My new goal is 2000, which I think will be an easy feat.

I would like to thank everyone who even typed in my web address, searched my blog on Google, clicked the links I posted to Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook, or even showed it to friends. You guys keep this blog going, and without you, I would just be posting silly little comics on the internet with no intention at all. This blog wasn't just made for me to post my things, but it was made for people to actually see what I've been doing!

I know I touch on this in the video, but there will be more .gifs and maybe even some video animation. I am trying to work blogging into my schedule filled with my internship and my high school newspaper.

Alright, so thank you so very much for coming to my blog and I am looking forward to the 2,000 views video:)


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