Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Sorry I haven't posted much this week so far. I'm currently working on a poster. I promise I will have some content by the end of the week! In the meantime, here's a quick sketch I did!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Arya (OC) Cherry Blossoms;

I wanted to do some work with OC development and some work with cherry blossoms. I'm not a huge fan of the color pink, but it looks good on my OC. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Spin That Leek!;

Click to enlarge
This is supposed to be a knock off of this. This is the internet famous "leek spin". You've probably seen it in various places, videos, and other websites, but just not known the name for it. It originated from the anime series "Bleach". Well, now you know!

While I was looking for the frames to this gif, I found this gif as well, and I think it's worth a look-see. It's pretty awesome!

Fun fact: Did you know that ".gif" is actually pronounced like the peanut butter? It's said like "jiff". I was saying it wrong for the longest time...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wear your heart on your sleeve;

Just a quick little doodle that started in SAI and moved to Photoshop. Total time: about 2 hours. I tried to use the painting option in SAI and really paid attention to creases in the body. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cherry Blossoms;

"I wish you were here today."
This one took me a while. I had a concept sketch yesterday, but spent the entire school day sketching out the linework for the couple. Then after school, I came home and spent a good 5 hours on the digital work. This is probably the most detailed piece that I've done yet for AOK!

Oh, and please take part in the poll on the left side of the page! I want to know what you want to see next.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


From left to right: Nazia, Michelle, Kyra, Arya and Pixel Dodge
If you're reading this on my blog, you probably noticed that AOK looks a little different. I decided to change the look a little bit. I originally wanted the header to be different because I wanted my new OCs to be on there and my re-occuring characters have changed slightly. I added some new features and changed the color scheme as well! (Tell me what you think in the comment box below.)

Also, I added a poll box! This is where you all can have a voice on AOK. Vote for what you want in that box to influence the content! Depending on how much free time I have, I'll look at the polls and see what you all want to see! Neat, eh?

Happy scrolling!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"Wind" and Speedpaint;

Click to enlarge
For this piece in particular, it took me a good 5 hours to finish. I had sketched it out, but then I decided to redraw it because the face looked ridiculous and I drew the ears to big. So I scrapped the ears and then this was born!

I call it "Wind" because I can't think of anything else right now. Her hair really just flows, like it's being swept away by a gust of wind.

I've been feeling a lot of negative emotions lately, and I feel that this piece can depict what I'm feeling. (Yes, I'm doing better now.) I really love venting through my art, and "Wind" gave me the opportunity to do so. It also makes me happy, in a way, because even though she's crying and the foreground is sad, the background yellow color cancels out the negative.

Speedpaint Video: 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Something new and different;

Today, I submitted my portfolio for review at SCCC. It's a long two weeks until I know if I got into the program or not. I am excited to find out the results, but the pain of waiting will slowly kill me...

In the meantime, I get a huge load off of my shoulders. That portfolio took up the majority of my time. I can finally get down to business by working on my senior project, focusing on Hawkeye, and plan work for AOK.

I really want to do some work with animation/gifs in the next few weeks. I'm just trying to figure out the details.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Rolling Girl | Hatsune Miku;

"I will be rolling again today."
For those of you with no previous knowledge of Hatusne Miku, she's a computer generated pop sensation. Sure, she's a cartoon, but there's no voice actor for her. It's all computer! Neat, eh? People flock to concerts that she puts on! Yes, you read that correctly. How does a computer generated diva do this? One word: holograms. Not joking! Click here for a hologram! 

Oh, and a fun fact! The program used to create Hatsune Miku was also used in the creation of Nyan Cat but then it turned into the Nyan Cat we know and love today. True story, look it up. 

Click here for a video and the origin for this piece. I originally was going to do a speedpaint, but then I got really confused and it took me about 4 hours to complete.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sword Art Online Fan Art: Asuna

For all the curious people who are wanting to know how I do stuff like this, I took the liberty to record myself drawing. Sure, this piece in particular took me 3 hours to finish. I sped up the clip speed and condensed it into an 11 minute video and added some fun audio for your viewing pleasure.

Please feel free to share this video/post with people. If this is a hit, maybe I'll end up doing more projects like this!

Speedpaint Video: 

Editors note: The ending is like 5 minutes so feel free to skip through it. Thumbs up? Comment? Share even?